台南一個驚險場面,一名載瓦斯鋼瓶的騎士,不但一次載了3桶瓦斯鋼瓶,其中1桶還垂掛在機車後座,鋼瓶太大,直接碰到地上,騎士也毫不在意,就這樣行駛在柏油路上,因為瓦斯鋼瓶和柏油路不斷發生碰撞,最後瓦斯鋼瓶不斷噴出火花,讓看到的民眾驚呼連連。 這畫面會不會太誇張?機車載著3桶瓦斯鋼瓶,其中1桶垂掛在後座,磨到地板,發出的聲音超級刺耳!甚至還因為拖的太大力,不時在地上拖出痕跡,還噴出火花,而且火光越來越多,讓經過的民眾紛紛走避。就怕火花會引爆鋼瓶內瓦斯,發生爆炸!民眾用行車紀錄器拍下這段畫面,連警方看了也搖頭。 台南二分局副分局長鄭安章:「可以處罰新台幣3千元至9千元罰鍰。」 違反交通條例的不只他,看看這輛,兩瓶瓦斯鋼瓶,堆的超高,還騎超快,一打滑…機車倒地,兩瓶瓦斯鋼瓶摔出去,光看就讓人驚嚇,讓後方駕駛差點沒撞上,另一個畫面也很驚險。一台小小機車,載了6桶瓦斯桶!還左鑽右鑽,穿梭在馬路上。 其實載瓦斯有專門的運送車,將10公斤以上的桶子,架上瓦斯架上固定,最保險裝2桶。而後面的掛勾,最多也只能載2公斤的小瓦斯鋼瓶,違反規定都可能會吃上罰單。 ■ 更多相關新聞 「被詛咒的賽車道」 越野車手如骨牌倒 指揮哥機車「百寶袋」 遇推車阿伯立馬「加油」 天下新鮮事 盡在FUN影音 Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 12 / 12 Connected cars, like autonomous cars, are coming. In fact, connected cars will likely arrive first, because the underlying vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) technology is simpler, cheaper, and enhances the ... 較多 Connected cars, like autonomous cars, are coming. In fact, connected cars will likely arrive first, because the underlying vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) technology is simpler, cheaper, and enhances the effectiveness of self-driving vehicles by allowing them to "talk" to other cars on the road. Given our increasingly connected lives, you'd think that consumers would be comfortable with the impending arrival of connected vehicles. But just to be sure, the University of Michigan's Transportation Research Institute conducted a survey to quantify drivers' opinions.? To carry out their study, UMTRI's?Brandon Schoettle and Michael Sivak created an online questionnaire that was answered by roughly 1,600 people in the U.S., the U.K., and Australia. Those responses confirmed general enthusiasm for connected vehicles, but also made clear that automakers need to address a few fears going forward. ALSO SEE: Hacking Cars Isn't A Problem Yet, But We're Getting There: Video FINDINGS The good news -- at least for tech fans -- was that 62 percent of UMTRI's respondents said that they had a positive opinion of connected cars, while "about a third" were neutral. A slim minority expressed negative feelings about V2V technology. What's more, roughly 75 percent of participants believed that "connected vehicles will?reduce the number and severity of crashes, improve emergency response times and result in better fuel economy". And, 60 percent expected to see lower vehicle emissions, less congestion, and shorter commutes as a result of V2V technology. U.K. residents were the most optimistic about connected-cars, with 67 percent expressing positive opinions about them and just 4 percent sharing negative opinions. Australians followed, with 63 percent responding positively and 5 percent negatively. Americans were the most skeptical, with just 57 percent (still, a majority) seeing V2V technology as a positive development and 7 percent holding negative views. Despite the naysayers, 86 percent of respondents expressed interest having a connected car in the future. The dark cloud hanging over V2V is hacking: roughly 30 percent of those surveyed ?were "very concerned" about security breaches on individual vehicles and on networks, with many worried that the technology might be used to track their speed and location. An additional 37 percent were "moderately concerned", with around 25 percent "slightly concerned". ? Respondents also worried about failures of connected-vehicle networks, particularly during bad weather. And of course, more than a few thought that V2V technology might become a distraction or that drivers would become overly reliant upon it. PROBLEMS The UMTRI survey isn't without its flaws. For starters, the survey was conducted online, dipping into a pool of respondents who were likely to be at least vaguely comfortable with the internet and computer networks. That could've skewed the survey's results toward positive attitudes about V2V tech.? Much more problematic, however, was the fact that researchers had to do a lot of explaining about what connected cars are. Sadly, only?27 percent of Americans, 22 percent of Australians and 17 percent of those in the U.K. had even heard of connected vehicles. That doesn't necessarily throw the survey's findings into question, but the spin of that explanation -- positive or negative -- could've easily impacted the majority of responses. Are you concerned about V2V technology? Will you be the first on your block to own a connected car, or will you hang back and wait for version 2.0 -- or even 3.0? Share your thoughts in the comments below. ___________________________________________ Follow The Car Connection on?Facebook,?Twitter?and?Google+. 較少 1 / 12 The Car Connection 2014年4月11日週五 台北標準時間上午1時02分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

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